Bologna, 27 September 2018 – On behalf of EDI.CER.SPA and Confindustria Ceramica, from September 24th to 27th 2018, ORIENS organised a delegation of 12 architects, designers & contractors from the Gulf to CERSAIE 2018, the leading international event for ceramics, surface coverings and bathroom furnishings in Bologna, Italy. CERSAIE has 18 exhibition halls showcasing the widest selection of ceramic surfaces, wood floors, wallpaper, bathroom furnishings, fireplaces, saunas, designer taps, bathtubs and sanitary fixtures. EDI.CER.SPA sponsored the visit of the representatives from the Arab region and organised guided visits to the top exhibitors at the exhibition along with a visit to one of the biggest ceramic manufacturers in the world and a cultural tour in Bologna. As the Ceramic district near Bologna is home of the most important ceramic manufactures internationally, the direct contact with the producers is a valuable experience for architects and contractors alike.